Company History


Old picture of port with ships

The predecessor of Silja Line, the Finnish Steamship Enterprise established


Old picture of sailing boats on the sea

Turku-Stockholm shipping route launched


Old picture of Stockholm, Sweden

Helsinki-Stockholm shipping route launched


Logo of Silja Line


Oy Siljavarustamo – AB Siljarederiet established


Old picture of vessel en route


Regular shipping route between Tallinn and Helsinki launched


Logo of Silja Line


Silja Line established


Silja Festival cruise ferry


Cruise ferry Silja Festival delivered


Sea Wind cargo ship


Cargo ship Sea Wind delivered

Logo of Tallink


Tallink established


Old picture of passenger ferry Tallink


Passenger ferry Tallink starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route

Silja Serenade cruise ferry


Cruise ferry Silja Serenade delivered

Silja Symphony cruise ferry


Cruise ferry Silja Symphony delivered


Old picture of Estonian flag on vessel

January 3rd

Estonian flag raised on Tallink’s ship for the first time


Passenger watching the sea


More than one million passengers transported in a year for the first time

Silja Europa cruise ferry


Cruise ferry Silja Europa delivered


Vana Tallinn passenger ferry


Passenger ferry Vana Tallinn starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route


Meloodia passenger ferry


Passenger ferry Meloodia starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route


Tallink Express high-speed vessel


First high speed vessel Tallink Express starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route

Picture of Paldiski's port


Paldiski-Kapellskar shipping route opened


Fantaasia passenger ferry

February 23rd

Passenger ferry Fantaasia starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route

Kapella cargo vessel

August 19th

Cargo vessel Kapella starts operating under Tallink brand

Passengers on-board watching the sea

December 31st

More than two million passengers transported in a year for the first time


AutoExpress high-speed vessel


First high speed vessel with car deck, AutoExpress, starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route


Estonian flag on-board Regina Baltica


Tallinn-Stockholm shipping route opened


MS Romantika cruise ferry


First cruise ferry built for Tallink, MS Romantika, delivered


Skyline view of Tallinn's Old Town


Travel agency Tallink Travel Club established


Victoria I cruise ferry

March 21st

Cruise ferry Victoria I delivered

Regal Star cargo ship


Cargo ship Regal Star starts operating on Paldiski-Kapellskar route

AutoExpress 3 high-speed vessel

May 27th

High speed vessel AutoExpress 3 starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route

Near-port picture of Aland


Aland islands added as a middle destination on the Tallinn-Stockholm route

Picture of Tallink City Hotel building

May 31st

Tallink City Hotel in Tallinn opened



December 9th

AS Tallink Grupp listed on the on the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange where the shares are traded under the symbol TAL1T


Galaxy cruise ferry


New cruise ferry Galaxy delivered

Logo of Tallink Silja Line


Tallink acquires major competitor Silja Line

Picture of Latvian flag on-board

April 6th

Riga – Stockholm shipping route opened


Picture of Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel building


Newly built Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel in Tallinn opened

Star high-speed vessel


New generation high speed vessel Star delivered. Revolutionary Tallink Shuttle service launched

Picture of Club One Gold level


New customer loyalty programme Club One established


Picture of Pirita TOP Spa Hotel building


Pirita TOP Spa Hotel in Tallinn added to the Tallink Hotels chain

Superstar high-speed vessel


New generation high speed vessel Superstar delivered to Tallinn-Helsinki route

Skyview of Tallink's vessels at Port of Tallinn


More than seven million passengers transported in a year for the first time

Most Competitive Tourism Company and Most Competitive Estonian Company 2008 awards


Tallink awarded Most Competitive Tourism Company and Most Competitive Estonian Company 2008 Awards by Estonian Chamber of Commerce

Picture of Tallink Taxi cars


Tallink Taxi operations launched in Tallinn


Picture of Tallink Express Hotel building

January 15th

Tallink Express Hotel added to the Tallink Hotels chain

Baltic Queen cruise ferry

April 24th

New cruise ferry Baltic Queen starts operating on Tallinn-Stockholm route

Picture of Tallink headquarters building


New Tallink headquarters building opened in Tallinn

Groups of people at sundeck watching the sea

August 4th

Record number of one million passengers transported in a calendar month (July) and over eight million passengers transported in a year for the first time


Picture of Tallink Hotel Riga building

April 15th

Tallink Hotel Riga launched

People at sundeck watching the sea

May 31st

More than nine million passengers transported in a year for the first time


Picture of Tallink headquarters building


AS Tallink Grupp changed its financial year

AS Tallink Grupp changed its financial year to match the calendar year. Previously it used to start on 1st of September and end on 31st of August.

Trusted Brand 2014 award


Silja Line named the ‘most trusted brand’ among shipping companies/cruise lines in Finland

According to the 11th annual Reader’s Digest European Trusted Brands Survey, Silja Line received the highest scores in Finland in the open-ended question: which shipping company/cruise line deserves to be called your ‘most trusted brand’.

Responsible Business Quality Label 2011 award

November 30th

AS Tallink Grupp awarded Responsible Business Quality Label 2011


Kapella cargo ship

August 3rd

AS Tallink Grupp signs agreement with Reklon Holding Ltd to sell cargo vessel Kapella

Picture of Tallinn's port and skyline


Tallink Silja AB awarded “Best Shipping Company of the Year” award at the 2012 Grand Travel Awards, Sweden

Grand Travel Award 2012 announced Tallink Silja as the winner of the award “The Best Shipping Company of the Year.


Tallink and Silja Line brands refreshed

Tallink refreshed the two brands Tallink and Silja Line to further express the innovative approach of the company through renewed corporate visual identity.


AS Tallink Grupp among the three most successful companies in the region according to Deloitte’s Top 500 Central and Eastern European companies for 2011

AS Tallink Grupp, which was positioned 162nd in the Deloitte`s Central and Eastern European Europe TOP 500 of companies for 2011, was additionally evaluated among the three most successful companies in the region according to the Index of Success.


Baltic Princess cruise ferry

January 23rd

Baltic Princess starts operating on Turku-Stockholm route

The cruise ferry Baltic Princess was directed to Turku-Stockholm route from the 1st of February 2013 and the cruise ferry Silja Europa to Tallinn-Helsinki route.

Isabelle passenger ferry


Isabelle replaces Silja Festival on Riga-Stockholm route

Tallink bought the passenger ferry Isabelle (then Isabella) for 30 million Euros to replace the older Silja Festival on Riga-Stockholm route.

September 17th

Contract with Godby Shipping to time charter cargo ship Mistral for Stockholm-Turku route

AS Tallink Grupp contracted with Godby Shipping about a time charter for the cargo ship Mistral for three months from September 17th 2013 to prevent capacity loss and ensure the required cargo volumes on the route Stockholm – Turku during the current redevelopment of Värtahamnen in Stockholm.

December 11th

Adriatica Queen (Vana Tallinn) sold to Allferries SA

Vana Tallinn Line Ltd., a subsidiary of AS Tallink Grupp sold the passenger ferry Adriatica Queen (previously known as Vana Tallinn) to Allferries SA.


December 11th

Letter of Intent signed with Meyer Turku OY for the construction of an environmentally friendly LNG ferry

AS Tallink Grupp and Meyer Turku Oy signed a Letter of Intent for the construction of an environmentally friendly LNG ferry for the Tallinn-Helsinki route shuttle operations.



Mr Janek Stalmeister appointed as CEO of AS Tallink Grupp

The long-term CEO of AS Tallink Grupp, Mr. Enn Pant resigns and is appointed as the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The Management Board Member and Financial Director of AS Tallink Grupp, Mr. Janek Stalmeister was appointed as the new CEO.

February 27th

Regina Baltica sold

Tallinn Stockholm Line Ltd., a subsidiary of AS Tallink Grupp sold the passenger ferry Regina Baltica to Scandinavian interest (a non-related party).

February 27th

AS Tallink Grupp signs contract for the construction of an LNG powered fast ferry

AS Tallink Grupp and Meyer Turku Oy signed a contract for the construction of the LNG powered fast ferry for Tallinn-Helsinki route shuttle operations. The dual fuel ship will be about 212 meters in length with a passenger capacity of 2800. The fast ferry will cost around 230 million euros and will be built at Meyer Turku shipyard for delivery in the beginning of 2017.

March 31st

Cooperation agreement signed with Estonian Volunteer Rescue Association

AS Tallink Grupp and Estonian Volunteer Rescue Association, which gathers all volunteers in land and sea rescue activities, signed a cooperation contract whereas the company will support the nonprofit organization with 90 000 euros within next three years.


EUR 29.3 million EU funding received in partnership with the Port of Helsinki and Port of Tallinn

The Port of Helsinki together with the Port of Tallinn and AS Tallink Grupp obtained EUR 29.3 million EU funding within the 2014 CEF Transport Multi-Annual Calls for proposals for financing their infrastructure investments.


The sale of the fast ferry Superstar to Medinvest SpA completed

AS Tallink Grupp’s subsidiary Tallink Superfast Ltd. completes the sale of the fast ferry Superstar to Medinvest SpA (Corsica Ferries Group). AS Tallink Grupp continues to operate the vessel on its Tallinn-Helsinki route Shuttle service under the charter agreement until the beginning of 2017, when the new LNG fast ferry will start to operate on the same route.

December 31st

All-time high revenue of EUR 945.2 million reported in 2015

AS Tallink Grupp earned an all-time high revenue of 945.2 million Euros in 2015, the net profit more than doubled compared to last year and amounted in 59.1 million Euros.


February 29th

BURGER KING® opens on Tallink shuttle ferry Star

The only floating BURGER KING® restaurant in the world was be opened on Tallink Shuttle ferry Star on Tallinn-Helsinki route in March 2016.

March 13th

Silja Europa starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route

Cruise ferry Silja Europa started her traffic on Tallinn-Helsinki route from 13th of March, making 2 departures per day.

April 6th

Tallink celebrates 10th anniversary of the Riga-Stockholm passenger ferry operations

Tallink celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Riga-Stockholm passenger ferry operations. In 10 years the company has transported 5.5 million passengers between the two capitals.

April 23rd

Silja Europa starts sailing to Olympiaterminal, Helsinki

Tallinn-Helsinki route’s cruise ferry Silja Europa started sailing to the Southern Harbour, Olympiaterminal in central Helsinki as from 23rd of April 2016.

April 14th

Tallink launches donation campaign in partnership with WWF Finland to support the Baltic ringed seal

WWF Finland and AS Tallink Grupp launched a large-scale donation campaign for supporting the Baltic ringed seal. Everyone who donates will have the opportunity to digitally write their name on board of the new environmentally friendly LNG vessel Megastar.


Tallink reports highest ever passenger volumes for May

AS Tallink Grupp reached the ever highest passenger volumes for May, transporting altogether 809 296 people on all routes. On Estonia-Finland route, the all-time records for the calendar month May were broken in all categories with a total of 459 086 passengers, 80 582 passenger vehicles and 18 297 cargo units.

June 13th

Tallink Tennis Centre opened


Highest passenger volumes for July

AS Tallink Grupp transported 1 188 226 passengers in July, achieving the record of highest ever passenger volumes per calendar month.



Tallink announces transporting a record number of 9.5 million passengers in 2016

January 10th

All Tallink Grupp hotels have joined the star-rating based quality

January 24th

Tallink Grupp’s newest fleet member, the Megastar, delivered by Meyer Turku shipyard

January 29th

The Megastar starts operating on the Tallinn-Helsinki route

February 28th

AS Tallink Grupp announces earning EUR 44.1 million net profit in 2016

July 4th

Tallink celebrates 10 years of the Tallinn-Helsinki shuttle service – 30 million passengers transported in ten years

August 29th

Tallink Grupp reveals refreshed Tallink and Silja Line brands


Tallink becomes first company in Europe to test 5G network on one of its ferries, Silja Europa


Tallink’s cargo ship Sea Wind starts operating from Muuga Harbour instead of Tallinn Old City Harbour


Tallink transports a record number of 9.8 million passengers in one year


Megastar high-speed vessel

January 29th

Megastar carries over 2 million passengers in its first year

February 15th

Tallink Grupp has acquired the Esprit franchise in Estonia and strengthened its partnership with the brand

February 28th

Tallink Grupp earns record amount of EUR 967 million revenue in 2017

Tallink Grupp AS earned a record amount of EUR 967 million revenue in 2017. In addition, according to the figures released to the Stock Exchange today, the group’s highest ever number of passengers in one year – over 9.8 million – significantly increased the revenue of the group’s restaurants and shops to nearly 537 million euros, taking the Grupp’s net profit for 2017 to a total of EUR 49 million.

The Baltic Trendsetters Club 2017 certificate

March 9th

Tallink Grupp was awarded The Baltic Trendsetters Club Certificate

Tallink Grupp was awarded The Baltic Trendsetters Club Certificate for 10 years of serving and constantly developing the Helsinki-Tallinn ferry connection.

Cup of Starbucks' coffee

April 12th

Tallink Grupp brings Starbucks’ We Proudly Serve concept onboard

Tallink Grupp brings Starbucks’ We Proudly Serve concept onboard its Tallinn-Helsinki route vessels Silja Europa, Megastar and Star and starts serving the world-famous brand’s coffee.

Megastar high-speed vessel

April 18th

The Shippax Technology and Design Award 2017 given to Megastar

The Shippax Technology and Design Award 2017 given to Megastar for being the world’s most advanced ro-pax ferry. Megastar praised by the jury for taking the LNG dual fuel concept one step further.

Picture of Tallink's website

April 26th

Tallink launches virtual customer services assistant Nemo

Since the end of March, Tallink Grupp’s newest employee has been answering the initial enquiries of the Estonian customers on the company’s web page – a virtual customer services assistant called Nemo. Tallink is the first among the shipping companies operating in the Baltic Sea region to try out a virtual assistant alongside call-center employees.

Picture of Paavo Nõgene, CEO of AS Tallink Grupp


Mr Paavo Nõgene appointed as CEO of AS Tallink Grupp

The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp today elected Mr Paavo Nõgene as the new Board Member of Tallink Grupp and appointed Nõgene as the new Chief Executive Officer for AS Tallink Grupp with effect from 1 May 2018.

ITB China Global gold prize for Tourism award

May 17th

Tallink wins prestigious tourism award at Asia’s biggest tourism fair ITB China

Tallink participated in Asia’s biggest tourism fair ITB China which is held in Shanghai and won the Global GOLD Prize in the CTW Chinese Tourist Welcome Awards in the best Product Innovation category. The award thus recognized the company’s efforts to enhance the quality of service offered to Chinese tourists on board Tallink and Silja Line vessels.

Logo of Alipay


Tallink starts offering Alipay payment solution to customers

Tallink is the first major Estonian company to start providing its customers with the option of paying by means of the world’s largest electronic payment solution, Alipay. Starting from July 2018 it’s possible to make payments on shuttles Megastar and Star on the Tallinn-Helsinki route using the popular electronic payment solution.

Aerophoto of Megastar vessel


Tallink transports an all-time record number of passengers

1 223 901 passengers travelled onboard Tallink Grupp vessels in July 2018. This is the highest number of passengers Tallink has ever transported in one month.

October 5th

Tallink Grupp awarded as the Most Competitive Large Enterprise in Estonia 2018

The winners of the Estonian Business Awards and the Competitiveness Ranking were announced at the traditional awards ceremony held in Tallinn. Tallink Grupp gained the title of the Most Competitive Large Enterprise in Estonia in 2018.

October 18th

Tallink sign Letter of Intent for the construction of new shuttle ferry

AS Tallink Grupp and Rauma Marine Constructions (RMC) signed a Letter of Intent for the construction of a new shuttle ferry for the Tallinn-Helsinki route. The new ferry will be dual fuel operated, using LNG as its main fuel and will have capacity for 2,800 passengers. It will start operating on the Tallinn-Helsinki route, further developing this important route between the two capital cities. The new ferry will be built using all the latest technologies and the most innovative solutions available and the group’s aim is to build the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly vessel operating on the Baltic Sea.

October 24th

Tallink has signed agreement with United Colors of Benetton

Tallink Grupp has made a partnership with Benetton Group for the distribution of the brand in the Estonian market.

NASDAQ billboard of Tallink Grupp

December 3rd

Nasdaq Helsinki welcomes Tallink Grupp

Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announces that trading in AS Tallink Grupp shares (short name: TALLINK) commence on 3 December on Nasdaq Helsinki Main Market. Tallink Grupp is a mid cap company within the Consumer Services sector. Its shares are listed on the main market of Nasdaq Tallinn since December 2005.


Picture of Tallink's and TalTech's representatives

January 16th

Tallink and TalTech to collaborate on developing smart ship solutions

Tallink Grupp and the TalTech started a scientific collaboration with the aim of developing various innovative solutions for Tallink Grupp’s vessels over the next two years.

Estonian Sports Friend of the Year 2019 award

February 28th

Tallink declared Estonian Sports Friend of the Year 2019

Logo of Burger King and Tallink Grupp

September 27th

Tallink Grupp to develop iconic fast food chain Burger King in Estonia and the Baltics

Tallink Grupp has announced to the stock exchange that it has acquired the development rights for global fast food chain Burger King in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

MyStar shuttle vessel

October 28th

Tallink Grupp names new Tallinn-Helsinki route shuttle vessel MyStar

Tallink Grupp has announced that the name of the new Tallinn-Helsinki route shuttle vessel, which will be built at Rauma shipyard in Finland and is due to be completed by the end of 2021, will be MyStar.


Steel cutting event of MyStar

April 6th

Steel cutting of MyStar at Rauma Ship yard

Online MyStar steel cutting event, held in Rauma shipyard to mark the beginning of the construction, Jyrki Heinimaa, CEO of Rauma Marine Constructions and Marko Paloluoto, project manager (RMC) of Tallink MyStar-project, put their initials on the first sheet of steel to be cut.

Paavo Nõgene, CEO of Tallink Grupp, handed a most valuable company of 2019 award

April 8th

Most valuable company 2019

On 8 April 2020 Nasdaq Tallinn and financial consulting company Prudentia revealed TOP 101 of Estonian most valuable companies and TOP 1 company is Tallink Grupp. The ranking was compiled in the end of the 2019 year. Photo: CEO of Tallink Grupp Paavo Nõgene and partner of Prudentia Illar Kaasik.

Sailor ro-pax vessel

July 9th

Tallink Grupp acquired ro-pax vessel Sailor

Tallink Grupp has announced that the company’s recently acquired ro-pax vessel Sailor will start operating on the Paldiski-Kapellskär route. The first Sailor departure is 12 July 2020, leaving from the Port of Paldiski.

Keel laying event of MyStar vessel

September 18th

The keel laying of Tallink’s newest vessel MyStar takes place in Rauma shipyard, Finland

Laying down the keel is an important milestone in shipbuilding, often considered the birth of the ship. During the event, the first keel-block of MyStar, weighing approximately 270 tonnes, is laid into Rauma shipyard’s dry dock. Traditionally, lucky coins are placed under the keel during the event, which this time include both Estonian and Finnish Euro coins. MyStar is another important step for Tallink Grupp towards achieving greater energy efficiency and eco-friendliness for its shipping operations on the Baltic Sea. The LNG-powered new shuttle vessel comes with the latest cutting-edge technology and innovation onboard and will meet all the current and known future emission regulations.

Most competitive company of 2020 in transport and logistics category award

October 8th

Tallink Grupp AS was recognised as the most competitive companies 2020 in the transport and logistics area of activities

On 8 October 2020, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Enterprise Estonia and Estonian Employers’ Confederation recognised the most successful and competitive companies of Estonia. Tallink Grupp AS was recognised as the most competitive companies 2020 in the transport and logistics area of activities.


Friend of Culture 2020 award

February 12th

Tallink declared The 2020 Friend of Culture

The recognition that has been bestowed since 2012 are awarded to private individuals or businesses that have made financial contributions to the field of culture during the year or supported the field of culture with their activities.

Responsible business index Bronze level award

May 27th

Tallink Grupp was awarded a bronze quality mark for being socially responsible company

For the 13th time, Estonian Corporate Social Responsibility Forum in cooperation with partners, recognized companies, public organizations and non-profit organizations who are aware of and measure their impact on society. This year Tallink Grupp was awarded a bronze quality mark for being socially responsible company.

Skyview of launching ceremony of MyStar vessel

August 12th

The christening and launching ceremony of Tallink’s newest shuttle ferry MyStar

The newest member of the Tallink’s fleet, the most environmentally friendly LNG-powered vessel on the Baltic Sea, MyStar, currently under construction in Rauma Marine Constructions (RMC) shipyard, Finland, was christened and launched on Thursday 12 August 2021, at a special ceremony held at Rauma shipyard. The christening ceremony takes place with the participation of the Estonian President Mrs Kersti Kaljulaid as the ship’s godmother. During the christening ceremony, according to custom, the newbuild vessel is officially named MyStar and, immediately after the christening of the vessel, proven seaworthy at a following launching of the vessel whereby the valves to the drydock, where the vessel is built, are ceremonially opened and the sea water is let in the drydock for the first time. The LNG-powered new shuttle vessel MyStar comes with the latest cutting-edge technology and innovation onboard and will meet all the current emission regulations and will be ready for further implementation of next generation emission reduction technologies.


Sea Wind cargo ship

April 26th

Cargo vessel Sea Wind sold

Tallink Grupp announced that its subsidiary, Tallinn Swedish Line Ltd, had concluded an agreement for the sale of the company’s cargo vessel Sea Wind.

MyStar shuttle vessel

December 13th

MyStar starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route


Sea Wind cargo ship

January 31st

Tallink Grupp completes sale of company vessel Isabelle
