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Shares & Shareholders

AS Tallink Grupp shares have been traded on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange since 9 December 2005. Starting from 3 December 2018 the shares of AS Tallink Grupp are also listed in Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange as Finnish Depository Receipts (FDRs).

Tallink Grupp

TAL1T | ISIN EE3100004466


NaN (0% )









Information as of: January 01, 1970 at 00:00 AM (GMT +3)Nasdaq Tallinn


AS Tallink Grupp shares have been traded on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange since 9 December 2005. Starting from 3 December 2018 the shares of AS Tallink Grupp are also listed in Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange as Finnish Depository Receipts (FDRs).


ordinary shares

€ 0.47

notional value of each share

€ 0.106

earnings per share

€ 0.06

dividends per share

For the year ended 31 December 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR 0.074 -0.162 -0.081 0.019 0.106
Shareholders’ equity per share, EUR 1.23 1.07 0.93 0.95 1.06
Dividend per share, EUR 0 0 0 0 0.06
Price/earnings ratio (P/E) 13 0 0 27 6.51
Share price on Tallinn Stock Exchange, EURO 0.976 0.738 0.59 0.52 0.69
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (thousands) 669,881 669,882 694,444 743,569 743,569
Number of ordinary shares outstanding (thousands) 669,882 669,882 743,569 743,569 743,569


AS Tallink Grupp has over 38,800 shareholders. Approximately 72% of shares are held by the members of Supervisory and Management Board.

Infortar AS 68.5 %
Nordea Bank Abp / Clients FDR 3.2 %
Mersok OÜ 1.5 %
Clearstream Banking AG 1.1 %
Luksusjaht AS 1.0 %
Citibank (New York) / Government of Norway 0.9 %
Enn Pant 0.9 %
Unicredit Bank Austria AG 0.8 %
AB SEB Bankas 0.6 %
Swedbank AS Clients 0.5 %
Name Expiration of term Shares Options
Enn Pant 13 June 2026 17,868,562 600,000
Toivo Ninnas 18 September 2025 3,668,770 600,000
Eve Pant 18 September 2025 781,000 600,000
Ain Hanschmidt 18 September 2025 3,500,000 600,000
Raino Paron 18 September 2025 62,500 600,000
Kalev Järvelill 13 June 2027 0 600,000
Name Expiration of term Shares Options
Paavo Nõgene 2 May 2027 600,000 600,000
Elise Nassar 5 March 2027 10,120 360,000
Harri Hanschmidt 5 February 2028 212,648 600,000
Piret Mürk-Dubout 16 April 2028 5,000 600,000
Margus Schults 29 April 2027 15,000 600,000

Frequently asked questions

  • Where can I trade with the shares of Tallink Grupp?

    The shares of Tallink Grupp have been listed on Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange since 9 December 2005. Tallink Grupp’s Finnish Depository Receipts (FDRs) were listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange on 3 December 2018.

  • What is Tallink Grupp’s ticker symbol and ISIN code?

    Tallink Grupp’s shares, listed on Nasdaq Tallinn, have ISIN code of EE3100004466 and trading symbol TAL1T. Tallink Grupp’s FDRs on Nasdaq Helsinki have ISIN code of FI4000349378 and trading symbol TALLINK.

  • What is the difference between shares & depositary receipts?

    Tallink Grupp’s FDRs are Finnish securities, which are in all material respects financially equivalent to Tallink Grupp’s ordinary shares that are listed on the Nasdaq Tallinn stock exchange. In practice, each Tallink Grupp’s FDR corresponds to one share and carries the related rights and obligations. For example, through holding Tallink Grupp’s FDRs, any holder will have a similar right to Tallink’s dividends as the holders of Tallink’s shares.

  • What types of shares does Tallink Grupp have?

    Tallink Grupp has only one class of ordinary shares and each share carries one vote at the shareholders’ general meeting. Overview of average and outstanding shares is available at here.

  • Does Tallink Grupp have outstanding bonds?

    No, Tallink Grupp does not have any outstanding bonds.

  • Are there any shareholder incentives or benefits?

    Various benefits and offers are available for members of our loyalty programme, Club One, but Tallink Grupp does not have a separate shareholder incentive programme.