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Tallink Grupp
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Press releases 2016
Press releases 2016
15.12.2016 12:00 Tallink opened today the largest tennis hall in Estonia
12.12.2016 10:00 Tallink is rerouting 3 cruise ferries this week
15.11.2016 10:00 Ticket sales for Tallink`s newest ferry Megastar opened today
12.10.2016 10:00 Tallink launched the online booking engine in Chinese
11.10.2016 10:00 Tallink signed the contracts with LNG suppliers in Finland and Estonia
10.10.2016 10:00 Tallink invests over 16 million Euros into renewing Silja Europa
04.10.2016 10:00 Tallink set new passenger volume records on two routes in September
29.09.2016 12:00 Mast stepping ceremony was held for Megastar
28.09.2016 10:00 Tallink launches new features to online booking engine
12.09.2016 09:50 Tallink will carry out major rerouting in December
05.09.2016 14:00 Tallink broke another record with August passenger volumes
11.08.2016 10:00 Tallink earned a profit of 36 million Euros in second quarter
03.08.2016 09:55 Tallink reached a new record in monthly passenger volumes in July
01.07.2016 13:30 Tallink`s new LNG ferry Megastar christened today at Meyer Turku Shipyard
30.06.2016 11:00 Vahur Sõstra appointed as the Captain of the new fast ferry Megastar
21.06.2016 10:00 Tallink launches on board self-shopping solution on the fast ferry Star
20.06.2016 14:00 New Värtahamnen terminal in Stockholm is opened tomorrow
16.06.2016 15:00 The Godmother of Tallink`s LNG-ferry Megastar is President Tarja Halonen
13.06.2016 15:34 Tallink Tennis Center`s cornerstone laid
03.06.2016 12:00 Tallink reached record passenger volumes in May
14.04.2016 10:00 WWF Finland and Tallink started a campaign to support the Baltic ringed seal
07.04.2016 10:00 Tallink launched the webpage for the new fast ferry Megastar
06.04.2016 10:00 Tallink celebrates 10 years of Riga-Stockholm route operations
30.03.2016 10:00 Silja Europa will start sailing to Helsinki Olympiaterminal in April
14.03.2016 09:00 Renewed cruise ferry Silja Europa returned to Tallinn-Helsinki route
29.02.2016 16:53 AS Tallink Grupp reached a record revenue of 945.2 million Euros in 2015
29.02.2016 10:00 Tallink opens the only floating BURGER KING® restaurant in the world on fast ferry Star
09.02.2016 12:30 The keel of the Tallink’s new LNG-powered fast ferry Megastar was laid at the Meyer Turku shipyard
03.02.2016 10:00 Silja Europa starts operating on Tallinn-Helsinki route on 13th of March
28.01.2016 12:00 Tallink Tennis Center in Tallinn is ready by the end of 2016
22.01.2016 12:30 Tallink`s new LNG fast ferry will be named Megastar
20.01.2016 11:00 Tallink brings the renewed Silja Europa back to Tallinn-Helsinki route
13.01.2016 16:30 Tallink opened one of the most modern logistics centers in the region